Delamine covers a specific field of chemistry: ethyleneamines like EDA, DETA, TETA, TEPA, N-AEP, PEHA, HEPA, HEPA S-140, HEPA S-200, and Piperazine. Virtually we are in your each and every day and that of your customers. We produce useful aids for strategic branches like agriculture, transportation, road construction, housing and maintenance, mining, health care and all kinds of household and consumer products.
However ordering offers you a wide range of choices, we prefer to make it easy. Find out here all you need to know about specific packaging, logistics and product deliveries. This page offers you a three way entrance bringing together all specific information about productgroups, branches and applications from your perspective. Convince yourself.
Need more information? Go to our download page for an overview of our product, packaging and safety data sheets. You will also find our ISO Certicates, several company and branch regulations like REACH and Responsible Care or our Conditions Of Sale.
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